In 2015, Change International, was the first humanitarian organization in the world to provide emergency child education to Boko Haram conflict survivors in the Durumi IDP Camp in Abuja, Nigeria. Within days of teaching the children lessons from reading to conflict resolution, Dr. Austin realized that their mothers started to attend her classes, too. Many of them had been forced to sacrifice their education when they became child brides as young as 8 years old. That experience inspired the birth of Alheri Village - a sustainable rehabilitation community that will give conflict survivors a second chance for a better life. Boko Haram Islamic terrorists have been held responsible for killing more than 30,000 people, trafficking thousands of women and girls, and displacing nearly 4 million Nigerians also known as IPD’s (Internally Displaced People). In 2014, when Boko Haram kidnapped nearly 300 school girls from Chibok, Nigeria in 2014, they also massacred the families of IDP’s who will one day live in Alheri Village.